Author: rjohnson

  • NASA Weekly News – 2024.01.17

    NASA Weekly News – 2024.01.17

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration In this week’s newsletter, learn how the foundation for long-term scientific exploration at the Moon will be established, see how a trailblazing new Earth satellite will deepen our understanding of climate change, and hear NASA astronauts answer questions from fan mail. Artemis Moon MissionsNASA will now target September 2025 for…

  • The Visitor – Blumhouse

    The Visitor – Blumhouse

    I needed to watch The Visitor twice before I was able to put the story together properly. The first time through I’ll admit it was background noise and I wasn’t paying full attention to the movie. Being a huge fan of Blumhouse drops it was a must see for me. My inattention during the first…

  • True Detective – Season One – HBO Max

    True Detective – Season One – HBO Max

    I held off on watching True Detective for many reasons. Foremost was that I knew I wanted to watch it all at once, well, at least the first season, and second, I didn’t have a subscription to HBO Max at the time. Well, I have that subscription now, True Detective is in or has completed…

  • NASA News – 2023.12.16

    NASA News – 2023.12.16

    In 2023, the agency celebrated astronaut Frank Rubio as the first American astronaut to spend more than one year in space, delivered samples from an asteroid to Earth, and launched multiple initiatives to share climate data—all while continuing preparations to send the first Artemis astronauts to the Moon. NASA 2023:Nothing is Beyond Our Reach  “This…

  • The Book Walker, Thief of Tales – XBox Game Pass

    The Book Walker, Thief of Tales – XBox Game Pass

    Okay, so you’re this, well, person, who has a book or pages for a head but otherwise looks human. Apparently he owes the bureaucracy of his book writing guild, oh, he’s a writer, for not producing a book on time or something and having his royalties and livelihood threatened should he not make good on…

  • Trench 11 and Deathwatch

    Trench 11 and Deathwatch

    Trench 11 and Deathwatch were a couple of movies I watched today. Horror stories based on World War II events in all their amalgamations and guises have turned up in all shapes and sizes ever since the end of the “great” war. Could be forced remembrance of tragedy so we as humans don’t make such…

  • NASA News – 12.08.2023

    NASA News – 12.08.2023

    What’s Up for December?Your Personal NASA Guide to the Night Sky The Geminid meteors peak overnight on Wednesday, Dec. 13. Northern Hemisphere observers can look for meteors as early as 9 p.m. local time, with the hourly number increasing after midnight. Asteroid Vesta reaches opposition this month, meaning it’s located directly on the opposite side…

  • Rise of the Tomb Raider – XBox Game Pass

    Rise of the Tomb Raider – XBox Game Pass

    Rise of the Tomb Raider appeared in the Recently Added section of my XBox Game Pass subscription recently. Goat Simulator appeared as well and as fun as that game, erm, simulation looked I decided to go with Rise of the Tomb Raider. I must however note that I have seen demo’s of Goat Simulator as…

  • Spell – PlutoTV

    Spell – PlutoTV

    Usually when I feel like watching a movie I will look through the various streaming services I have access to and will peruse the show bill (movie poster), non spoiler reviews, and various opinions. If I see something visually appealing or my interest get’s piqued by the synopsis or even a cool title that’s usually…

  • Beside Myself – Horror Demo on Steam – Free

    Beside Myself – Horror Demo on Steam – Free

    Beside Myself is yet another winner in the world of the short horror survival gaming genre. Found on, a veritable hub and outlet for indie producers to display their wares. Beside Myself is also available on Steam and further on in the article is a link the to Steam store page so you can…