Category: Video

  • Stories Lost – YouTube Channel

    Stories Lost – YouTube Channel

    Introduction I discovered a great little channel on YouTube this morning as I was going through my usual routine. “Stories Lost” is the name of that YouTube channel. My personal YouTube homepage featured a story titled “Boy Meets Strange Creatures“. I unabashedly clicked the play button. The engrossing nature of the story had me hooked.…

  • The Visitor – Blumhouse

    The Visitor – Blumhouse

    I needed to watch The Visitor twice before I was able to put the story together properly. The first time through I’ll admit it was background noise and I wasn’t paying full attention to the movie. Being a huge fan of Blumhouse drops it was a must see for me. My inattention during the first…

  • True Detective – Season One – HBO Max

    True Detective – Season One – HBO Max

    I held off on watching True Detective for many reasons. Foremost was that I knew I wanted to watch it all at once, well, at least the first season, and second, I didn’t have a subscription to HBO Max at the time. Well, I have that subscription now, True Detective is in or has completed…

  • Trench 11 and Deathwatch

    Trench 11 and Deathwatch

    Trench 11 and Deathwatch were a couple of movies I watched today. Horror stories based on World War II events in all their amalgamations and guises have turned up in all shapes and sizes ever since the end of the “great” war. Could be forced remembrance of tragedy so we as humans don’t make such…

  • Spell – PlutoTV

    Spell – PlutoTV

    Usually when I feel like watching a movie I will look through the various streaming services I have access to and will peruse the show bill (movie poster), non spoiler reviews, and various opinions. If I see something visually appealing or my interest get’s piqued by the synopsis or even a cool title that’s usually…

  • Ragnarok – YouTube – Free

    Ragnarok – YouTube – Free

    I find it difficult as the years progress to find little gems as far as movies go. I don’t know if it’s my advanced age (53), the culling of my attention due to the proliferant nature of 20-minute YouTube videos or God forbid, good movies just aren’t being made anymore. I also want to mention…

  • Portrait of God – Excellent Horror Short Available on YouTube

    Portrait of God – Excellent Horror Short Available on YouTube

    I watched another chilling but beautiful horror short on YouTube. When I’m perusing the stream outlets attempting to locate something good to watch ‘Portrait of God’ is a prime example of what I am looking for. I don’t say this lightly simply due the enormity of indie horror content that is out there but Portrait…

  • The Chair – Award Winning Horror Short Film

    The Chair – Award Winning Horror Short Film

    What makes a good horror short story? Well, the same thing that makes a good horror long story. Originality, a good plot, some character development, and some good visuals. Of course, there are a lot more nuances to creating a good horror story as opposed to let’s say some generic action-packed shooter, but I think…

  • Tom Clancys Jack Ryan – Amazon Prime

    Tom Clancys Jack Ryan – Amazon Prime

    Currently Tom Clancy’s Jack Ryan is in Season 3 on Amazon Prime. Amazon Prime brings together comfort video viewing to go with our caramelized popcorn to make that marriage of snacks and couch feel natural and warm, the way it should. Just completed watching Season 3 and I can say that after a good first…

  • Lunopolis – Found Footage

    Lunopolis – Found Footage

    I discovered Lunopolis relatively recently while perusing various, random top ten found footage lists on YouTube. These lists tend to be similar even among diverse groups of creators, but I specifically seek out these lists as invariably there will be 1, or if I’m lucky, 2 obscure title’s I’ve never heard of or seen. I…