Category: Technology

  • Uptime , SLA’s, and the Nines

    Uptime , SLA’s, and the Nines

    Uptime Uptime is the amount of time a server has been in continuous proper operation without needing a reboot. When I was working a nine to five and managing datacenters, servers, and networks, a quick and easy way to determine a servers health was to check it’s “uptime”. In fact I setup my command line…

  • AIDE – Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment HowTo – Ubuntu Linux

    AIDE – Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment HowTo – Ubuntu Linux

    AIDE is an advanced intrusion detection environment software which monitors changes in your files and/or filesystem/s. AIDE let’s you know if a file has been accessed, changed, or modified (atime, ctime, or mtime, for the Unix geeks) and alerts you to the fact providing a report which by default is mailed to your root user.…

  • NASA News – 2024/02/16

    NASA News – 2024/02/16

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration In this week’s newsletter, we prepare for the launch of Intuitive Machines’ first lunar lander to the Moon’s surface, hear Victor Glover’s journey as a Black NASA astronaut, and celebrate the next generation of Artemis astronaut candidates. Plus, stories you may have missed.   Delivering Science to the MoonAs part of NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative…

  • NASA Weekly News – 2024.01.17

    NASA Weekly News – 2024.01.17

    National Aeronautics and Space Administration In this week’s newsletter, learn how the foundation for long-term scientific exploration at the Moon will be established, see how a trailblazing new Earth satellite will deepen our understanding of climate change, and hear NASA astronauts answer questions from fan mail. Artemis Moon MissionsNASA will now target September 2025 for…

  • NASA News – 2023.12.16

    NASA News – 2023.12.16

    In 2023, the agency celebrated astronaut Frank Rubio as the first American astronaut to spend more than one year in space, delivered samples from an asteroid to Earth, and launched multiple initiatives to share climate data—all while continuing preparations to send the first Artemis astronauts to the Moon. NASA 2023:Nothing is Beyond Our Reach  “This…

  • CAPSTONE – GPS for the Moon

    CAPSTONE – GPS for the Moon

    Image SpotlightCAPSTONE, short for Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment, successfully tested a navigation technology akin to Earth’s GPS for the first time in May, advancing a capability that could help future space missions more efficiently navigate at the Moon. The spacecraft also captured its first images of the Moon, showing the…

  • NASA News

    NASA News

    Mini Neptune The James Webb Space Telescope has observed a distant planet outside our solar system to reveal what is likely a highly reflective world with a steamy atmosphere. And while the planet is hot by human standards, it is much cooler than expected. That’s because its unusually shiny atmosphere reflects a large fraction of the light…

  • Artemis II Prepares for the Moon

    Artemis II Prepares for the Moon

    “The Artemis II crew represents thousands of people working tirelessly to bring us to the stars. This is their crew, this is our crew, this is humanity’s crew. NASA astronauts Reid Wiseman, Victor Glover, and Christina Hammock Koch, and Canadian Space Agency astronaut Jeremy Hansen, each has their own story, but, together, they represent our creed: E…

  • Anthology of Fear Demo

    Anthology of Fear Demo

    I picked this little gem up on Steam, of course. It’s just the demo and I can say I had a fun and even frightening experience playing the game. Let me explain. Once you start playing a game, sometimes you can be so immersed in the events in the game that sometimes, well, it will…

  • Taking the Plunge – A Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

    Taking the Plunge – A Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad

    Taking the Plunge – A Guide to Becoming a Digital Nomad The idea of being a digital nomad has become increasingly popular in recent years. People are intrigued by the idea of being able to work and travel at the same time. But what does it take to become a digital nomad? Today, Zettabytes shares…