Category: Technology

  • A Few Dramiel Fits – Plus some keyboard and overheating theory – Eve Online

    A Few Dramiel Fits – Plus some keyboard and overheating theory – Eve Online

    Note: prop mod means propulsion module The Dramiel is by far my absolute favorite frigate. It is a faction/pirate frigate with excellent statistics. The Dramiel’s number 1 trait is its speed. Though you can tech 2 fit this ship decently, for it really to shine you should ALWAYS use the pirate Gistii A-Type 1MN Afterburner.…

  • What’s Going on With Perseverance and Ingenuity on Mars?

    What’s Going on With Perseverance and Ingenuity on Mars?

    The Mars 2020 mission featuring rover Perseverance on Mars and it’s lovable sidekick the helicopter Ingenuity have continued their hijinks on Mars. Meaning, science is going extremely well and to date their have been few if any setbacks in any parts of this mission so far. Helicopter Ingenuity has made several flights now and the…

  • Merlin – Armor and Shield Fits – Intermediate Eve Online Combat

    Merlin – Armor and Shield Fits – Intermediate Eve Online Combat

    Losing a ship is terrible. But there are terrible ways to lose ships. Jumping into low sec just to find you’ve jumped into a 20 man gate camp full of Rapiers and Hyenas and every other ship in Eve. Or you’re in your pod warping to the next gate and all the sudden your pod…

  • Rifter – Punching into Plexes – Intermediate Eve Online Combat

    Rifter – Punching into Plexes – Intermediate Eve Online Combat

    These articles are meant for the intermediate Eve Online combat PVP’r. I am by no means the top echelon of solo PVP in Eve but I’m also not bottom of the barrel with a few wins under my belt. 9000+ wins at the time of this writing (with about 3000 losses for a total of…

  • CryptoCurrency Update – May

    CryptoCurrency Update – May

    It’s been a rollercoaster ride in the last month and half. I’ve seen my $20US crypto (well, technically $18.02US, minus .99US cents fees) grow to hundred dollars, simply by market growth. It’s scaled back a little over the past week and my current balance sits at $88.86US. During the month of April the gains crested…

  • Eve Online – MMORPG

    Eve Online – MMORPG

    I started playing Eve Online back in 2007. For the first few years, I just played against the NPC’s (non-player character) and learned the extremely complicated Eve Online interface. It is said that Eve Online just might be the hardest game to learn to play in the world. The learning curve is definitely one of the…

  • April Short Crypto Update

    April Short Crypto Update

    Logged into my Coinbase account today for quick perusal and was pleasantly surprised. Last months report showed for March’s balance approximately $43.00US. I have done absolutely nothing on the Coinbase platform in the last month and when I logged in I saw that my balance was at a reassuring $61.40US. Started with $20US (-0.99US x2…

  • Shadow Warrior 2 – PC Game

    Shadow Warrior 2 – PC Game

    Was going through the titles available on my Xbox GamePass for PC account the other day and found a little gem called Shadow Warrior 2. In it you play a smart aleck Asian assassin/hitman with a hilarious sense of humor and all types of badassery with Samurai Swords, all manner of guns, devastating melee attacks…

  • Amazon Prime Games – Gaming?

    Amazon Prime Games – Gaming?

    While randomly going over my Amazon account details, specifically looking at what comes with my Prime Benefits, I noticed a link for Amazon Games. I didn’t even know I had this. I currently pay $11.99 a month for Xbox on PC which gives me access to a TON of games, recent and retro. So when…

  • Logitech C920e 1080p WebCam – + Microphone Fix

    Logitech C920e 1080p WebCam – + Microphone Fix

    When I needed to use a webcam I usually just pulled out my laptop and do whatever I needed to do on that and transfer to my desktop machine if needed. However as time has gone on I have found it a pain in the ass to pull out the laptop if I wanted to…