Author: Ed Itor

  • NASA News – 04.26.2024

    NASA News – 04.26.2024

    NASA Wins 14 Awards at 2024 Webbys Earlier this week, the agency was recognized by the 28th Annual Webby Awards with six Webby Awards and eight People’s Voice Awards, the latter of which are awarded by the voting public. “We’re thrilled that the Webbys have recognized the breadth of NASA’s digital communications,” said Marc Etkind,…

  • Stories Lost – YouTube Channel

    Stories Lost – YouTube Channel

    Introduction I discovered a great little channel on YouTube this morning as I was going through my usual routine. “Stories Lost” is the name of that YouTube channel. My personal YouTube homepage featured a story titled “Boy Meets Strange Creatures“. I unabashedly clicked the play button. The engrossing nature of the story had me hooked.…

  • Uptime , SLA’s, and the Nines

    Uptime , SLA’s, and the Nines

    Uptime Uptime is the amount of time a server has been in continuous proper operation without needing a reboot. When I was working a nine to five and managing datacenters, servers, and networks, a quick and easy way to determine a servers health was to check it’s “uptime”. In fact I setup my command line…

  • NASA News

    NASA News

    What’s Up for September? Your Personal NASA Guide to the Night Sky What’s up for September? Venus returns to the morning sky, the Harvest Moon, and dark sky observers can look for zodiacal light!   After brightening our evening skies for most of this year, Venus has now switched over to being a morning sky…

  • Ragnarok – YouTube – Free

    Ragnarok – YouTube – Free

    I find it difficult as the years progress to find little gems as far as movies go. I don’t know if it’s my advanced age (53), the culling of my attention due to the proliferant nature of 20-minute YouTube videos or God forbid, good movies just aren’t being made anymore. I also want to mention…

  • The Last Job – Steam Horror Demo

    The Last Job – Steam Horror Demo

    The Last Job is yet another horror demo that I played and downloaded gratis from Steam. It is another short and fully self-contained fun little horror mystery which might take you anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to complete, depending on your aptitude and experience in completing/solving short horror titles. Not overwhelmingly difficult and…

  • CAPSTONE – GPS for the Moon

    CAPSTONE – GPS for the Moon

    Image SpotlightCAPSTONE, short for Cislunar Autonomous Positioning System Technology Operations and Navigation Experiment, successfully tested a navigation technology akin to Earth’s GPS for the first time in May, advancing a capability that could help future space missions more efficiently navigate at the Moon. The spacecraft also captured its first images of the Moon, showing the…

  • NASA News

    NASA News

    Mini Neptune The James Webb Space Telescope has observed a distant planet outside our solar system to reveal what is likely a highly reflective world with a steamy atmosphere. And while the planet is hot by human standards, it is much cooler than expected. That’s because its unusually shiny atmosphere reflects a large fraction of the light…

  • Portrait of God – Excellent Horror Short Available on YouTube

    Portrait of God – Excellent Horror Short Available on YouTube

    I watched another chilling but beautiful horror short on YouTube. When I’m perusing the stream outlets attempting to locate something good to watch ‘Portrait of God’ is a prime example of what I am looking for. I don’t say this lightly simply due the enormity of indie horror content that is out there but Portrait…

  • Missing Hiker – Totally Free v1.0.0 Game on Steam

    Missing Hiker – Totally Free v1.0.0 Game on Steam

    Picked up this little uh, gem, yesterday off of Steam, along with about three or four assorted other indie titles and it too becomes another in a long line of opinion pieces on my fascination with horror and survival gaming. Missing Hiker is either going to make you exceptionally suspicious of me the next time…