Category: NASA

  • NASA News This Week

    NASA News This Week

    Supersonic Flight Tests Safety is paramount as we prepare for flight tests of the X-59 Quiet SuperSonic Technology aircraft. To ensure the X-59 pilot’s safety, life support system equipment is undergoing a series of tests that include simulating an unlikely cabin depressurization. Calling All Entrepreneurs! We’re looking for fresh ideas to help us explore Earth,…

  • What’s Going on With Perseverance and Ingenuity on Mars?

    What’s Going on With Perseverance and Ingenuity on Mars?

    The Mars 2020 mission featuring rover Perseverance on Mars and it’s lovable sidekick the helicopter Ingenuity have continued their hijinks on Mars. Meaning, science is going extremely well and to date their have been few if any setbacks in any parts of this mission so far. Helicopter Ingenuity has made several flights now and the…

  • Ingenuity Flight Updates – Second & Third Flights

    Ingenuity Flight Updates – Second & Third Flights

    Ingenuity has aced its second and third flight tests. Putting Ingenuity into the air(?) on Mars has been tricky but initial testing is coming back with glowing results as Ingenuity ramps up to faster, longer, and more challenging flight paths. The second flight was similar to the first however Ingenuity flew a little higher; 16…

  • Finally, Ingenuity Flies! Success

    Finally, Ingenuity Flies! Success

    I woke up this morning and as I tend to do and opened up the NASA missions page and selected the Perseverance link. I was immediately greeted with the helicopter Ingenuity’s positive test results. The picture above was actually taken by Ingenuity while it was in-flight via a camera mounted on the bottom of the…

  • NASA News and Updates

    NASA News and Updates

    Not going to go into the fiasco that is becoming the first controlled flight of a vehicle on another planet. The demonstration test has had a few setbacks and pushbacks as far as scheduling is concerned but we’ll patiently await further news from NASA and the Ingenuity flight team on this front. NASA has given…

  • NASA Updates – Ingenuity Flight Test Cancelled

    NASA Updates – Ingenuity Flight Test Cancelled

    The biggest piece of news this update is the continual long-running update from the previous two articles, namely, Ingenuity has once again blown through a test date due to technical difficulties. This time anomalous readings were discovered before Ingenuity’s April 11 flight test which forced the flight crew to ground the test and go over…

  • NASA Targets Date for Helicopter Ingenuity First Flight

    NASA Targets Date for Helicopter Ingenuity First Flight

    NASA’s Ingenuity helicopter team has targeted Sunday, April 11, 2021 for Ingenuity’s’ expositional and maiden test flight. Then during a LIVEstream on Monday, April 12 at 0330hrs EDT they will announce the results of the test flight on NASA Television. To catch the events LIVE as they happen and make sure your browser is tuned…

  • NASA Updates – Ingenuity Readies for Flight – NASA Updates

    NASA Updates – Ingenuity Readies for Flight – NASA Updates

    Rover Perseverance has jettisoned Ingenuity’s lower cover in preparation for the first ever test flight on another planet. Ingenuity is of course the helicopter the NASA engineers came up with to perform this feat. Though Mars has less gravity than Earth it also has 99% less atmosphere and the air we take for granted on…

  • The Artemis Missions Website – Humanity’s Return to the Moon

    The Artemis Missions Website – Humanity’s Return to the Moon

    I wrote an introductory article a month or so back on the Artemis missions which NASA currently has in full swing with the Mars 2020 Mission and the landing of the rover Perseverance on Mars. I wanted to write a follow up article on the excellent web site NASA has which goes over the Artemis…

  • Perseverance’s SuperCam Science Instrument Delivers First Results

    Perseverance’s SuperCam Science Instrument Delivers First Results

    The above picture represents a close up combining two images from Perseverance’s SuperCam science instrument of a rock named ‘Yeehgo”, which is the Navajo word for diligent. The SuperCam instrument was developed by Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in New Mexico and a consortium of French research laboratories under the auspices of the Centre National…