Category: Linux

  • Uptime , SLA’s, and the Nines

    Uptime , SLA’s, and the Nines

    Uptime Uptime is the amount of time a server has been in continuous proper operation without needing a reboot. When I was working a nine to five and managing datacenters, servers, and networks, a quick and easy way to determine a servers health was to check it’s “uptime”. In fact I setup my command line…

  • AIDE – Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment HowTo – Ubuntu Linux

    AIDE – Advanced Intrusion Detection Environment HowTo – Ubuntu Linux

    AIDE is an advanced intrusion detection environment software which monitors changes in your files and/or filesystem/s. AIDE let’s you know if a file has been accessed, changed, or modified (atime, ctime, or mtime, for the Unix geeks) and alerts you to the fact providing a report which by default is mailed to your root user.…

  • Quake – Damn It’s Fast in 2022

    Quake – Damn It’s Fast in 2022

    As I was going through my Xbox Game Pass today looking for something to play, I noticed Quake. Now we all know it’s an old game first released mid to late 1996 if I recall correctly. Just for kicks I decided to load it up with the thoughts of playing a level or two just…

  • New Chat System @ Zettabytes.Org – Minnit Chat Integration

    New Chat System @ Zettabytes.Org – Minnit Chat Integration

    We have been testing some various chat sub-systems, clients, servers as well as WordPress native chat sub-systems and have settled on one for the moment for our blog and web site. WordPress is the content management system (CMS) that is the backbone of the web site and this new chat sub-system integrates into the…

  • Installing PHP on Ubuntu 20.04

    Installing PHP on Ubuntu 20.04

    You’re going to like this one. So do you just want the damn command so you can move on without having to read more than this sentence? M’Kay, here ya go: What? you can’t read that? Maybe you have some off colors or something in your html CSS w3 #ZXXI03 thingamajiggy. Just kidding lol. There’s…

  • Apache 2 on Ubuntu 20.04 + 30 Second SSL Configuration

    Apache 2 on Ubuntu 20.04 + 30 Second SSL Configuration

    The version of Ubuntu that I use is 20.04 LTS however most of these instructions will pertain to just about all Ubuntu Linux versions. Yes, there are thousands of these tutorials on the web and this could be a one line article: apt install apache2 Even though that is correct, will 100% work, and will…

  • Apache 2 on Ubuntu 20.04 + 30 Second SSL Configuration

    Apache 2 on Ubuntu 20.04 + 30 Second SSL Configuration

    The version of Ubuntu that I use is 20.04 LTS however most of these instructions will pertain to just about all Ubuntu Linux versions. Yes, there are thousands of these tutorials on the web and this could be a one line article: apt install apache2 Even though that is correct, will 100% work, and will…

  • Installing MySQL on Ubuntu Linux 20.04

    Installing MySQL on Ubuntu Linux 20.04

    So you wanna install MySQL server on your Ubuntu Linux 20.04 box right? No problem, another super duper easy install: apt install mysql-server That will install the latest version in the Ubuntu repositories, that being 8.0.2. IIRC the version numbering has changed and went from 5.7 to the new 8.x.x version numbering system. This has prompted some in the industry to get paranoid with Oracle as MySQL versions are closing…

  • Installed Ubuntu 20.04 on My 2011 MacBook Pro8,2 – Ubuntu ONLY, NO OSX – Tested, Complete

    Installed Ubuntu 20.04 on My 2011 MacBook Pro8,2 – Ubuntu ONLY, NO OSX – Tested, Complete

    Reprinted from, another one of my sites. One of the computers I have on my desk is an older MacBook Pro. To be specific, it’s a 2011 MacBook Pro with a an Intel i7 processor running at 2 gigahertz (8 cores, 2 threads, 4 processors? I forgot that last thing). This machine has a…

  • The Perl SSLeay Problem SOLVED Once and For All

    The Perl SSLeay Problem SOLVED Once and For All

    Let me spell out the problem real quick. So your on your Linux box and you’ve been coding for years in Perl and now you need to interact with some obscure piece of software that wants to download and build something called SSLeay. You’re using your trusty little CPAN interface to install additional add-ons and programs and other Perl goodies…