Eve Online – Daily Journal – 2021 – 10.31-11.1

Something funny happened today. Well it was funny to me. I opened a novice factional warfare complex today and proceeded to mwd (microwarpdrive) about 30 kilometers from the beacon. Then I cloaked. I was a in a Sisters of Eve ‘Astero’ and this time I placed a cloak on it. So anyone entering the ‘plex’ will think they are all alone and will wait for someone else to enter the plex. Well, eventually someone else did enter the plex. I let them start fighting, and then I de-cloaked. Scared them right out of their pants. They started back-peddling not sure what to do. I just warped off. I wasn’t going to interfere in there fight. However those two got so spooked they were clawing to their way to get out of the plex. Next thing you know everyone is in their nice safe neutral places. Lol. It was funny to me, maybe you had to be there. Yeah, you had to be there I guess.

TimeShipPlace Victim Final Blow
Nov 01, 2021
0.4 VardHeimatar Xrljpdx (Vexor)
Republic Military School
Igor Gorodbin (8)
LowSechnaya Sholupen
Oct 31, 2021
0.4 AmamakeHeimatarKronen071 (Velator)
rljpdx (1)
Republic Military School
0.4 AmamakeHeimatar Xrljpdx (Thrasher)
Republic Military School
Kyp Rodan  SOLO 
0.4 AmamakeHeimatarGhost Tsane (Kryos)
Lost and Clowned
rljpdx (2)
Republic Military School
0.4 AmamakeHeimatar Xrljpdx (Capsule)
Republic Military School
Elena Siege (1)
Dock Workers
0.4 AmamakeHeimatar Xrljpdx (Hurricane)
Republic Military School
Elena Siege (5)
Dock Workers
0.4 AmamakeHeimatar Xrljpdx (Ishkur)
Republic Military School
Harvest Diviner  npc 
Blood Raiders
0.4 AmamakeHeimatarLake Garsk (Capsule)
Pator Tech School
rljpdx (1)
Republic Military School
0.4 AmamakeHeimatarNate Stalter (Capsule)
Republic Military School
rljpdx (1)
Republic Military School
0.4 AmamakeHeimatarDarkbird7 (Rifter)
Republic Military School
rljpdx  SOLO 
Republic Military School
0.4 AmamakeHeimatarNate Stalter (Rifter)
Republic Military School
rljpdx  SOLO 
Republic Military School
0.4 AmamakeHeimatarLake Garsk (Rifter)
Pator Tech School
rljpdx  SOLO 
Republic Military School

Anyways finally lost a few ships and a pod. Got got one time with my pants down, even got sniped off by a gate camp who unfortunately all disappeared when I came back in my Vargur. They must have known. Known that I was pissed and was back to kill them all, solo. You can see the details by clicking the appropriate link above. My deaths are the ones marked above with an X. To see the battle report click my name (rljpdx) along that line. I lost the Asklepian pod (a special pod with augmented armor repairing bonus) when a Dock Workers gang came to Amamake and caught me in one of the event sites. I could have got out but I was moving slow, didn’t take the threat seriously, plus being away a couple months have blunted some of my senses. But that’s why I’m back, to sharpen those senses and get back in the game.

I did have 7 wins during the same amount of time so 7 and 4 over a 2 day period is not soooo bad. Of note was a advanced transport, a Kryos, which had a bunch of goodies inside. A nice bonus was the 90m in Quafe booster that was inside, as well as some skins, rigs and bunch of other minor things. A really nice 3 versus me fight occurred when I got in my Worm and punched into 3 Rifters. I made short work of those guys in under 5 minutes. Plus I was able to snipe a couple of their pods so 5 kills in all but only the ship kills are recorded, unless their pod is implanted, like the one I lost above. Lost implants are expensive to replace. In real world dollars the set I use is about $10. The 3 Rifters barely landed any damage, and was able to come away with all their gear plus 3 shiny killmarks on the hull of my ship. That makes 18 now for the Worm.

All right, that will do it for those couple days. Hopefully I can get a bunch more kills soon. It’s the only thing that really makes me forget my losses. So back it.

  • pilot: rljpdx
  • home: Amamake, Heimatar

Thanks again!

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