No Spoilers
I had been hearing about The Endless in various online reviews, YouTube top whatever lists, and of course in the listings of the various streaming conglomerates I support and I’ve finally decided it was time to watch The Endless.
“Acclaimed filmmakers Moorhead and Benson return with this mind-bending supernatural thriller about two brothers who revisit the UFO death cult they escaped as teens, only to find there may have been truth to the cult’s otherworldly beliefs all along.” –
That quote is the blurb that comes from Amazon when you look up the movie and I simply can’t do better than that for a short description. Attribution given above.
With UFO’s, death, and cults being a great combination of subjects for a movie I might be interested in, I kicked back and got comfortable, and started watching The Endless.
I enjoyed how the movie played out. The character development, the hints of the story to come. There’s nothing really original in this movie but the character development is great and the somewhat vague ‘thing’ is for loss of a better word, interesting. The supernatural aspect to the story and the fact that it’s not fleshed out, so to speak, leaves that for our imaginations and sometimes that’s the best place for it. It’s a really well told story and I enjoyed it. Plus I’ve just discovered a movie called Resolution which has some kind of ties to The Endless so I’m going to check that out now. If you enjoy a great story The Endless is one to watch.
Now, as The Endless finished, I noticed a movie called Resolution. Funny thing is I saw part of the The Endless in the previews for Resolution and have just discovered these two movies are connected somehow. So I’m going to double header this review, watch Resolution now, and write a review on that when it’s done.
<…off to watch Resolution…>

I’m hooked already. The beginning of Resolution explains a minor few minutes of something that happened in The Endless. We even get to see the primary actors in The Endless while they were still at the UFO cult place actually trying to recruit the primary actor in this movie. This has my curiosity totally piqued and I’m wondering if this movie will do anything to explain some of the happenings in The Endless. Half the actors we’ve seen so far are also in The Endless so I’m really looking forward to where this is going to go.
There is some great dialog in this movie and I really enjoyed the spot on writing which leads to some great acting and scenes. It’s definitely tied into to The Endless and now that I’ve watched Resolution, I appreciate The Endless so much more. But not because I got all the answers I needed from The Endless. In fact, the total opposite. Resolution ends on a cliffhanger and I am hoping this is a trio (or more) of movies. I appreciate this movie because I’ve been introduced to Justin Benson and Aaron Scott Moorhead and they are excellent writer/movie makers/story tellers. I know they’ve done another movie called Spring, which might have some answers and also be tied into these movies, but at this point that’s just a guess.
I’m not even sure if I’m watching these movies in the correct order, or if there even is an order, but I am going to do some research this very minute to see if there’s another movie tied into all of this.
<…doing some research to find out if there’s another movie in this series…>
After some quick researching I did find out a movie called Spring may be in this universe of movies. Additionally, I found out that in fact I watched the movie in the wrong order, however I have a feeling there might not be any order. Spring is the next movie I’m going to watch and will put together a review article on that when I get to it. I’m glad I stumbled on these flicks because there is some great story-telling going on and I can’t wait to find out if Spring will bring any resolution (pun intended) and tie up loose ends, especially on the cliffhanger Resolution left us on. I guess we’ll find out shortly.
When I finally do get around to watching Spring, I will post a separate article on it. Resolution and The Endless are great movies in my opinion because they tell great stories. The supernatural may be involved but the real stories in these two movies are about the people, and I think that’s what I enjoyed most and am hoping to see a great movie with a great story when I do get around to Spring. I am looking forward to it.
Though I watched these movies in the wrong order, I saw The Endless before Resolution nothing would have changed other than the fact that that now I know. Check these out and enjoy!
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