Tag: Paranormal

  • Stories Lost – YouTube Channel

    Stories Lost – YouTube Channel

    Introduction I discovered a great little channel on YouTube this morning as I was going through my usual routine. “Stories Lost” is the name of that YouTube channel. My personal YouTube homepage featured a story titled “Boy Meets Strange Creatures“. I unabashedly clicked the play button. The engrossing nature of the story had me hooked.…

  • Spell – PlutoTV

    Spell – PlutoTV

    Usually when I feel like watching a movie I will look through the various streaming services I have access to and will peruse the show bill (movie poster), non spoiler reviews, and various opinions. If I see something visually appealing or my interest get’s piqued by the synopsis or even a cool title that’s usually…

  • The Last Job – Steam Horror Demo

    The Last Job – Steam Horror Demo

    The Last Job is yet another horror demo that I played and downloaded gratis from Steam. It is another short and fully self-contained fun little horror mystery which might take you anywhere from 20 minutes to an hour to complete, depending on your aptitude and experience in completing/solving short horror titles. Not overwhelmingly difficult and…

  • Portrait of God – Excellent Horror Short Available on YouTube

    Portrait of God – Excellent Horror Short Available on YouTube

    I watched another chilling but beautiful horror short on YouTube. When I’m perusing the stream outlets attempting to locate something good to watch ‘Portrait of God’ is a prime example of what I am looking for. I don’t say this lightly simply due the enormity of indie horror content that is out there but Portrait…

  • Lunopolis – Found Footage

    Lunopolis – Found Footage

    I discovered Lunopolis relatively recently while perusing various, random top ten found footage lists on YouTube. These lists tend to be similar even among diverse groups of creators, but I specifically seek out these lists as invariably there will be 1, or if I’m lucky, 2 obscure title’s I’ve never heard of or seen. I…

  • Wardwell House – High Resolution Point and Click Horror Game/Story – Free on Steam

    Wardwell House – High Resolution Point and Click Horror Game/Story – Free on Steam

    Wardwell House on Steam Wardwell House is a high-resolution point and click, well, game. To be honest, it’s not really a game in my opinion. It’s more of a story that’s told by 360 degrees panning around the screen of some very nice high-resolution panoramas. The settings and various pictures and panoramas are nicer than…

  • Triangles


    What do you think of triangles? 180 degrees? a2+b2=c2? No, not those triangles. I’m talking more of like the Bermuda Triangle of course. Surely you’ve heard of the Bermuda Triangle? You know, that mystical terrible place where people places and things go missing swallowed up by the ocean to never ever be seen again because…

  • Giants – Speculative

    Giants – Speculative

    Giants, as in giant people, is a subject that has always fascinated me. For the most part giants are at best anomalous persons with overactive pituitary glands and at worst speculative fiction. As with most things I think the truth probably lies somewhere in between. Giants can answer a lot of questions that plague us…

  • Devils Tower – Not a Tree Stump

    Devils Tower – Not a Tree Stump

    I have seen a few videos over the last few years whose subject matter is gigantic trees. When I say gigantic, I mean of the Avatar variety of giant tree’s, if that’s a movie you’ve seen and can make reference to. There are people who believe that it’s possible that tree’s grew high enough to…

  • Devils Tower – Not a Tree Stump

    Devils Tower – Not a Tree Stump

    I have seen a few videos over the last few years whose subject matter is gigantic trees. When I say gigantic, I mean of the Avatar variety of giant tree’s, if that’s a movie you’ve seen and can make reference to. There are people who believe that it’s possible that tree’s grew high enough to…