Category: Eve Online

  • Breacher Fit – Eve Online

    Breacher Fit – Eve Online

    NOTE: This article was written a few weeks ago and was lost during a server crash. This has been copy/pasted from a WordPress site which keeps articles around. Only lost 2 articles. This one and a movie review. I wanted to post a Breacher fit that I have been using for the past couple of years. I…

  • Eve Journal -2021 – 11.7, 11.10, 11.11

    Eve Journal -2021 – 11.7, 11.10, 11.11 Instead of posting a broken cut and paste and or a screen shoot which also does does not allow you to get at the underlying information, I will simply post a link the relevant pages of these postings so you can reflect on the various losses in another browser window as you read this,…

  • Eve Online Journal – 2021 11.05

    Eve Online Journal – 2021 11.05

    A bit of a sad day, but not too bad. This was the day I lost my Vargur. It was my first one and all in all I am happy with my performance in it. I was able to kill 23 ships with it, and this last fight where I lost the ship was the…

  • Eve Online Journal – 2021.11.04

    Eve Online Journal – 2021.11.04

    This was a decent day. Those first 4 kills, the ones at the bottom of the list I was able to get when I took my Vargur out on a roam. First I killed the Tornado, and then the pod for whatever reason was super slow to warp away and I ended up killing that…

  • Eve Online – Daily Journal 2021 – 11.03

    Eve Online – Daily Journal 2021 – 11.03

    That is a cut and paste of my killboard. It doesn’t have the links you can click to look at the different players similar to what I was using in previous posts, however this shows complete kill information as far as who and what I killed and you can click the zKillboard link at the…

  • Eve Online Journal – 2021 11.1 – 11.2

    Eve Online Journal – 2021 11.1 – 11.2

    Time Ship Place   Victim   Final Blow Nov 02, 2021 05:0650.68m 0.4 AmamakeHeimatar Auorne (Capsule)Quorate rljpdx (1)Republic Military School 05:0610.17k 0.4 AmamakeHeimatar characterID 2119279847 (Impairor)Quorate rljpdx (1)Republic Military School 04:2610.00k 0.3 SiseideHeimatar Roacheu Roacheu (Capsule)Brutor Tribe rljpdx (1)Republic Military School 04:2418.64m 0.3 SiseideHeimatar Roacheu Roacheu (Heron)Brutor Tribe rljpdx  SOLO Republic Military School 00:2910.00k 0.3 EgmarMetropolis He’s super bald (Capsule)24th Imperial Crusade rljpdx (1)Republic Military School 00:281.31m 0.3 EgmarMetropolis He’s super bald (Tristan)24th…

  • Eve Online – Daily Journal – 2021 – 10.31-11.1

    Eve Online – Daily Journal – 2021 – 10.31-11.1

    Something funny happened today. Well it was funny to me. I opened a novice factional warfare complex today and proceeded to mwd (microwarpdrive) about 30 kilometers from the beacon. Then I cloaked. I was a in a Sisters of Eve ‘Astero’ and this time I placed a cloak on it. So anyone entering the ‘plex’…

  • Eve Online – Journal – 2021 10.29 through 10.30

    Eve Online – Journal – 2021 10.29 through 10.30

    I killed a bunch more ships and people: Time Ship Place   Victim   Final Blow Oct 30, 2021 12:4617.85m 0.4 Amamake Heimatar Etymon (Catalyst)Empyrean Edict rljpdx (2)Republic Military School Oct 29, 2021 12:4010.00k 0.4 Amamake Heimatar Soron John (Capsule)Center for Advanced Studies rljpdx (1)Republic Military School 07:043.51m 0.4 Amamake Heimatar Zhaina (Capsule)Republic Military School rljpdx (1)Republic Military School 07:0410.71m 0.4 Amamake Heimatar Zhaina (Rupture)Republic Military…

  • Eve Online – Daily Journal – Day 1 – 2021.10.28

    Eve Online – Daily Journal – Day 1 – 2021.10.28

    Well I re-subscribed to Eve Online, for one month, after a long hiatus from, Eve Online. Long this time means about 3 months. I don’t want to go into the details of why I chose to freeze myself off from society and my beloved Eve Online however I can say the political intrigue at the…